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About Seven Seas and Winter Trees

The World through My Eyes

Hi there, I'm Margaux Elaine. I grew up with the opportunity to experience new cultures and foods. As I got older, I realized if I wanted to see more of the world, I could if I budgeted correctly. Every month I strive to try something new. This can be food, cooking, a new place, learning a language, really anything. It has helped me open my mind to new adventures and exploration. 

My goal through this blog is to share with you traveling tips I have learned through my years of experience. I want to show you that you don't have to go far or stay for a long time to see new places. Let us get rid of the mindset that vacations have to be week-long, and let's have a vacation on the weekends. I hope to motivate you to explore new places and get going on your life-changing journey.


Please share your thoughts with me! I would love to answer any questions or hear about your adventures!

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